Executive Search
Unlike many other search firms serving Division I universities, Collegiate Sports Associates utilizes industry experts to provide support during each search. CSA’s team of industry practitioners manage and direct each search, and their extensive experience in athletics administration has given them a profound understanding of the differences in culture that exist on campuses around the nation.
Most importantly, Todd Turner’s lengthy tenure as a leader in Division I athletics has enabled him to develop long-lasting personal relationships with the men and women who shape the landscape of intercollegiate athletics today. These relationships are essential in identifying and selecting CSA’s Associates. Together, they also provide an intimate knowledge of and access to a widely diverse group of individuals with the ability to effectively fill positions of leadership in a University setting.
CSA was founded on the principle that the best advice and counsel comes from the practitioners who have spent their professional lifetimes in campus settings. We have the professional contacts in intercollegiate athletics and higher education to identify individuals or build teams of experts that can assist campus and conference leaders in analyzing and addressing specific challenges as well as taking advantage of new opportunities.
“In my view and based upon the four CSA-guided searches with which I’ve been involved, Drew Turner and his team truly are the gold standard in searches for athletic executives. Each time, they have provided thorough research and identified top candidates in the prompt, deliberate manner we’ve needed. They’ve worked to understand the distinct preferences and culture of our institution, and they’ve helped us close every deal to mutual satisfaction. In this high-stakes business, CSA has earned all the superlatives.”
Current and Past Clients
Athletics Administration
- Air Force Academy
- University of Akron*
- Alcorn State University*
- Appalachian State University*
- Army (U.S. Military Academy)*
- Austin Peay State University*
- Ball State University*
- Big East Conference (3)
- Big South Conference
- Boise State University*
- Boston College*
- Bowling Green State University (2)*
- Butler University*
- University of California-Berkeley (2)
- University of California-Santa Cruz (DIII)*
- California State University Maritime Academy (NAIA)*
- Campbell University*
- University of Cincinnati*
- Clemson University*
- IPTAY (Clemson) (2)
- Cleveland State University*
- Creighton University*
- Drexel University*
- Duke University (2)
- Elon University (2 – AD, Admin)*
- Florida State University*
- Furman University* (2)
- Gardner-Webb University*
*Director of Athletics Search
- George Mason University*
- University of Georgia* (2 – AD, Admin)
- University of Hartford*
- Hawaii Pacific University (DII)*
- Indiana State University*
- James Madison University*
- Kent State University*
- La Salle University*
- Long Beach State University*
- University of Louisville*
- University of Maine*
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County*
- University of Massachusetts Lowell*
- Miami University (OH)*
- Michigan State University*
- University of Mississippi*
- University of Missouri* (2 – AD, Admin)
- Mount St. Mary’s University*
- Murray State University*
- National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln*
- University of Nebraska, Omaha*
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas* (2)
- University of Nevada, Reno*
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2)
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro* (3 – AD, Admin x2)
- University of North Texas
- University of Northern Iowa*
- Oakland University*
- Ohio State University*
- Oral Roberts University
- Penn State University*
- University of Pittsburgh
- Portland State University*
- Prairie View A&M University*
- Presbyterian College*
- University of Richmond* (2)
- St. John’s University*
- San Diego State University*
- Santa Clara University*
- University of South Carolina, Upstate*
- Southern Conference
- University of South Dakota*
- Stetson University*
- University of Tennessee, Chattanooga*
- University of Texas, San Antonio*
- University of Toledo*
- Towson University*
- Tulane University*
- Utah State University*
- Virginia Military Institute*
- Virginia Tech* (2 – AD, Admin)
- Wake Forest University*
- Western Carolina University* (2)
- College of William & Mary*
- Winthrop University*
- University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee*
- National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL)
NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Head Coaches
- Austin Peay State University (2)
- Ball State University
- Bowling Green State University
- Bucknell University
- University at Buffalo
- University of California, Berkeley (2)
- Cleveland State University (2)
- College of Charleston (2)
- Cornell University
- University of Detroit Mercy
- Duke University
- Fresno State University
- Gardner-Webb University
- University of Georgia
- Grand Valley State University
- Illinois State University
- Indiana State University
- James Madison University (2)
- Kansas State University
- Liberty University
- Lafayette College
- Longwood University
- Marquette University
- University of Missouri
- University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC)
- University of Nebraska, Omaha
- University of New Mexico
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Northern Illinois University
- The Ohio State University
- University of Oklahoma
- Old Dominion University (2)
- University of the Pacific
- University of Pittsburgh
- Saint Louis University
- Samford University
- San Jose State University (2)
- Santa Clara University
- University of South Alabama
- Southern Methodist University
- University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- University of Texas at San Antonio
- Utah State University
- Virginia Tech
- Wake Forest University
- Western Carolina University
- Winthrop University
NCAA Division I Head Football Coaches
- University of Akron
- Army (U.S. Military Academy)
- Austin Peay State University (3)
- Boise State University (2)
- Boston College
- University at Buffalo
- University of Central Michigan
- University of Cincinnati
- Colgate University
- University of Colorado (2)
- Colorado State University
- Columbia University
- East Carolina University
- Florida Atlantic University
- Florida State University
- Gardner-Webb University
- Grand Valley State University
- University of Houston
- James Madison University
- Kent State University
- Miami University (OH)
- Murray State University
- University of Nevada, Reno
- University of New Mexico
- Norfolk State University
- Old Dominion University
- University of Richmond (2)
- University of Southern California
- University of South Florida
- Southern Methodist University (3)
- Tennessee Tech University
- University of Texas, San Antonio (2)
- Towson University
- Tulane University
- Valparaiso University
- Washington State University
- Yale University
NCAA Division I Head Coaches – Other Sports
- Appalachian State University (Women’s Soccer)
- University of Arizona (Women’s Soccer)
- Arizona State University (Softball, Women’s Lacrosse, Volleyball)
- Austin Peay State University (Baseball, Women’s Basketball, Women’s Soccer)
- Bowling Green State University (Women’s Basketball, Women’s Soccer, Men’s Ice Hockey)
- Campbell University (Women’s Basketball)
- Dayton University (Baseball)
- Duke University (Baseball, Women’s Basketball, Wrestling, Fencing, Field Hockey, Swimming & Diving, Women’s Rowing, Women’s XC, Track & Field, Softball, Swimming & Diving)
- University of Georgia (Baseball)
- Long Beach State University (Women’s Basketball)
- University of Maine (Softball)
- University of North Carolina – Greensboro (Women’s Basketball)
- University of North Texas (Golf, Volleyball)
- Northern Illinois University (Volleyball)
- Old Dominion University (Women’s Basketball)
- Oral Roberts University (Women’s Basketball, Volleyball)
- University of Richmond (Women’s Basketball)
- Southern Methodist University (2 – Women’s Basketball)
- Temple University (Women’s Basketball)
- University of Tennessee, Chattanooga (Women’s Basketball)
- University of Toledo (Women’s Basketball, Women’s Rowing)
- Towson University (Women’s Basketball)
- Tulane University (Women’s Basketball)
- West Virginia University (Women’s Basketball)
- Western Michigan University (Softball)

Committed To Excellence
With over thirty years of experience in intercollegiate athletics, CSA delivers a unique level of service that effectively meets the needs of the nation’s leading universities and conferences.